Prof. Matthew McCabe

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering/Earth Science and Engineering and Director, Climate and Livability Initiative (CLI)


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Prof. McCabe’s research focuses on issues related to water and food security, climate change impacts, precision agriculture, water resources monitoring and modeling, and the novel use of technologies for enhanced Earth system observation. The research undertaken in his group combines models and observations to answer questions on the distribution, variability and exchanges of water at local, regional and global scales, as well as the interactions with vegetation. CubeSats, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and in-situ monitoring techniques are all employed to monitor terrestrial processes, while a range of modeling and statistical approaches are used to understand and predict system behavior. Improved description and understanding of the water-food nexus is a key objective of his research.

All sessions by Prof. Matthew McCabe

Overview of Center Activities & Management
01:25 PM

45 min presentation & 20 min for Q&A

Prof. Hans Vrouwenvelder

Director and Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Matthew McCabe

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering/Earth Science and Engineering and Director, Climate and Livability Initiative (CLI)

Center Faculty: Research Vision and Contribution to the Center Goals
01:00 PM

20 min presentation & 10 min for Q&A

Prof. Peng Wang

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Geert-Jan Witkamp

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Hans Vrouwenvelder

Director and Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Himanshu Mishra

Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Matthew McCabe

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering/Earth Science and Engineering and Director, Climate and Livability Initiative (CLI)
