Prof. Geert-Jan Witkamp

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering


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The research of Prof. Witkamp is aimed at generating knowledge necessary for the development of technologies allowing atom- and energy efficient recovery of materials in pure form (water, salts, metals) from a wide variety of sources, and to realise such technologies in practice at appropriate scales through translational research. Concepts include the Water Refinery, Eutectic Freeze Crystallization, (ultra)trace compound detection and recovery, Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES's) and supercritical carbon dioxide based processes.

All sessions by Prof. Geert-Jan Witkamp

Center Faculty: Research Vision and Contribution to the Center Goals
01:00 PM

20 min presentation & 10 min for Q&A

Prof. Peng Wang

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Geert-Jan Witkamp

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Hans Vrouwenvelder

Director and Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Himanshu Mishra

Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Matthew McCabe

Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering/Earth Science and Engineering and Director, Climate and Livability Initiative (CLI)
