Prof. Iain McCulloch

Director and Professor of Chemical Science


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​Professor McCulloch's research interests are in the design and synthesis of semiconducting small molecules and polymers for use in organic electronic devices.  This has focussed on understanding and  control of microstructure and energy levels in conjugated aromatic semiconducting polymers and the subsequent impact on device properties.

All sessions by Prof. Iain McCulloch

Overview of Center Activities & Management
07:25 AM
Prof. Iain McCulloch

Director and Professor of Chemical Science

Prof. Frédéric Laquai

​​​​​Associate Director and Associate Professor of Material Science and Physics

08:40 AM

45 min presenting & 15 min for questions

CCF 1: Toward stable and high-efficiency nonfullerene acceptor-based organic solar cells via molecular design, interface and device engineering 

Prof. Derya Baran

Assistant Professor of Material Science and Engineering​

Prof. Iain McCulloch

Director and Professor of Chemical Science

Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos

Professor of Material Science and Engineering​

Prof. Frédéric Laquai

​​​​​Associate Director and Associate Professor of Material Science and Physics

Center Projects 3: KAUST Faculty
07:00 AM

45 min presenting & 15 min for questions

CCF 3: New Concepts and Materials for Photocatalytic Water Splitting and Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Prof. Vincent Tung

Associate Professor of Material Science and Engineering

Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos

Professor of Material Science and Engineering​

Prof. Stefaan De Wolf

​Associate Professor of​ Material Science and Engineering

Prof. Iain McCulloch

Director and Professor of Chemical Science

Prof. Frédéric Laquai

​​​​​Associate Director and Associate Professor of Material Science and Physics

09:15 AM
Prof. Frédéric Laquai

​​​​​Associate Director and Associate Professor of Material Science and Physics

Prof. Iain McCulloch

Director and Professor of Chemical Science

Center Strategic Research Plan
07:30 AM
Prof. Frédéric Laquai

​​​​​Associate Director and Associate Professor of Material Science and Physics

Prof. Iain McCulloch

Director and Professor of Chemical Science

08:30 AM

This is a closed session

Prof. Iain McCulloch

Director and Professor of Chemical Science
